Minh Hai's personal site



Here is a list of my projects. They're in varying levels of completion. I probably won't touch most of these again, so whatever state they are in is the state they'll most likely remain for the rest of their life. Each project has it's own Github repository with instructions on how to use the given project.

Each project starts with the project name and the link to github page.



Within the digital realm, a remarkable collaboration unfolded as a group of friends embarked on a shared endeavor. Together, we embarked on a mesmerizing journey, crafting this game as a group project for our second-year OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) subject at university.

This collective effort transformed the challenges we faced into stepping stones for growth and innovation. While the road was not without its obstacles, we persevered, drawing strength from our shared vision and the joy of working together. The experience of bringing our individual talents and ideas into a harmonious whole was both fulfilling and enjoyable, fostering a sense of camaraderie that transcended the boundaries of the virtual world.

In addition to our collective coding efforts, we commemorated the creation of this remarkable game with a captivating video on YouTube. As we embarked on this digital adventure, we recognized the importance of sharing our creation with the world, bringing our game to life beyond the confines of our screens. With meticulous attention to detail, we crafted a video that showcases the essence of our game, capturing its vibrant gameplay, mesmerizing visuals, and immersive soundscapes.
Check it out here.



Drawing inspiration from my previous coding endeavor, the addictive and rhythmic world of Geometry Dash, I embarked on a new and exciting venture: recreating my all-time favorite childhood game, Plants vs. Zombies. Armed with the knowledge I acquired from my previous project, I dedicated an entire month to meticulously crafting this homage to a beloved classic.

While I readily acknowledge that my rendition may pale in comparison to the original masterpiece, I find immense pride in the journey I undertook and the resulting creation. This game represents not only my technical growth but also the boundless passion that fuels my programming pursuits.

Geometry Dash


The birthplace of my very first big game project!
When I first embarked on this coding adventure, Java was still a relatively unfamiliar landscape to me. Armed with determination and a thirst for knowledge, I set out on a journey that would ultimately shape my programming skills.

While navigating uncharted territory, I found myself relying on the invaluable guidance of online tutorials, particularly on YouTube. They became my compass, leading me through the intricacies of game development. Now, within these code-filled walls, you'll find the humble beginnings of my Java game, a testament to the power of learning and the joy of creation.


In the vast landscape of my programming endeavors, there exist numerous projects that may not shine in terms of appearance or functionality. While I hesitate to showcase them here, I invite you to explore my GitHub repository page, where you will find a comprehensive collection of my work.